Friday, May 9, 2008

Sometimes random crap turns out great!!

If I have learned one thing in the 28 years I've been cursed (or blessed, depending on your politics) upon this earth, it's that Pino-Grigio and Carlsberg sometimes lead to nonsensical photos posted on your "self- loathing" blog! Some folks post an intelligent array of words and award winning photos; me, I prefer the simpler (and by simpler I mean border-line retarted) life! So here are some mediocrete shots of a few friends of mine, hope you enjoy! 803...represent!!

Brian feeling the effects of chillin' with "The CREW"!

John Mccan enlightened to "The Secret of the Crush"

Finally! After ample request, Dan on "the Proud" at Houndears.

These come from deep in the vault!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

ROCK the 70's & 80's!

So last night's 1st Annual "70's and 80's party/ fundraiser" was a great success! We had a huge turnout, and the wardrobe choices were absolutely amazing. From Candace and Amber's matching neon mesh tops(which reminded me of the older girls I so longed for as a youthful elementary student), to Teddy's heinously short cutoffs; everyone was dressed to impress. Dan looked strikingly similar to Tommy Lee Jones in "Under Siege", and had quite possibly the sexiest pair of jeans I've ever seen on another man! My hat goes off to both John Mccaan and Matt, who in my opinion earned the "guys" best dressed award for their "Travolta-esq" attire. All in all I believe everyone had a blast, and the outlook is positive for a similar themed party in the near future. We'll be trying to come up with some more fun themes, so if you have any ideas just let me know. Oh, and one more thing; if you see the man with the visor and mustache, lock up your wives and daughters

It's a Pimper's Paradise...

Hey Ladies!

Fresh from the set of his new "smut" film

Saturday Night Fever!

Michael showing us how to "Apply the Crush"!

Dana "Resisting the Chode" in her poly/rayon blouse.

Dan proving once again that he is "the Man"!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Attention all females!!!

Attention all eligible bachelorettes in and around Boulder, CO; the Boulder area has recently seen the return of their long awaited prince! Concerned that his pilgrimage had perhaps tainted his puritan soul, he chose to flee the once cherished culture of the deep south, and return to his beloved homeland! Upon his return, I have heard rumored he is in search of the ever elusive "date". Given his drifter-like persona, said "date" will not be for the faint of heart. They will also experience tremendous difficulty escaping the bitterness and jealousy of his ever present life partner... Simone! But seriously ladies, I mean to hell with my ramblings... not only can he crush, he also makes a killer porcini risotto! If this guy invites you over for dinner and wine, for god-sakes do yourself the favor of accepting his offer! Even if his intentions are cruel and somewhat juvenile, I'm pretty sure you'll probably thank me later. With that being said, this is not the rantings of some scorned gay lover, but merely a good friend trying to look out for a good friend!!

Ryan crushing it in the kitchen!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Release the Hounds!!

Here's some shots from my recent visit to "the New". Joined by such characters as John "the real Dancing Outlaw" Dubose, Ryan "the King of Corestrength" Brazell, and the infamous Drunk Adam(all the way from VA beach), we produced an unprecedented amount of crushing! Unfortunately, the majority of said crushing took place on the front porch of Roger's store and involved several bottles of wine. (It was 27 degrees, what else were we supposed to do?) Some highlights that stand out to me personally were: Dubose's cat-like pounce from about 15ft up during our Friday "night session"; getting totally sandbagged on the shear volume of Rio Grande's burritos, experiencing "the Donkey", receiving beta on the level of deliciousness of "Budwieser Clamato", in true Appalachian style; and lastly, John's late-night lecture to the Richmond youths of "Why emo- is weak... and the "3 Greatest HipHop albums of ALL time"! These are all mandatory life-lessons, and I consider myself extremely fortunate to have come away with such an educational experience.

JD working the "SlittyTitty Traverse"

Dubose flashing "Farmboy"

DA gettin his "Crush-on"

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Wild and Wonderful!!!

Mountain mama... take me home... down a country road!

Eat your heart out Josh Lowell

Ah Memories!!!!

Playa's Ball

As the temperature dropped, these two headed back to the tent for some "just friends" cuddling!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Gimme Some Mo!

Ryan Brazell on "The Proud", Hound Ears

Nate on "Dime Crack", Rumbling Bald

"Get Off the Dam" FA, The Spot

What it's all about!!

Dubose on "PeachLips", The Spot

So many photos, so little time. Here are a few more from times past that have been wasting away on my harddrive.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My Cup Runneth Over...

Candace in Boone

Sideline, HP40

Dubose at "Dixon"

Houdini, Houndears

Dan at "Dixon"

In honor of the season, it's time for me to do a bit of Spring's some photos I've had in hiding for quite some time. Enjoy!

"The Spot" continued...

I'm still trying to get the hang of this so please be patient with any mistakes you may notice. I will hopefully be posting several photos from the secret boulders; access is extremely sensitive, so forgive me for not including any type of directions or beta. (Though there are multiple projects still to be done.) Amber on the FFA of "Stubbytoe"; and the ever elusive "Chili con Carne" project.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

"The Spot"

Spicey Meatball FA.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

In the Beginning...

So after much procrastination, I too have joined this obnoxious, narcissistic clan! Now if I can only convince a circle of friends to pretend as if they were interested in what I have to say. First and foremost, I openly admit that I am no expert on grammar; nor am I responsible for the many typos that will accompany my late night rant sessions. This being said, I am greatly looking forward to this new outlet I will have for my many frustrations and annoyances that I encounter in my everyday life. More importantly I will be using this as a sort of climbing journal to keep track of both my own progress and also the accomplishments of my close friends. Until next time...